Singing Guide: Craig Wells

Singing Guide: Craig Wells

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Craig Wells' Unique Vocal Techniques

Craig Wells is known for his distinctive style, which combines elements of classical singing, jazz, and contemporary pop. One of his signature techniques is his use of vibrato, which gives his singing a rich, full-bodied sound. In addition, he often employs a technique called belting, which involves singing at the top of the vocal range with a powerful, resonant sound.

Another hallmark of Craig Wells' style is his use of a variety of vocal textures, from a breathy, almost whispered sound to a clear, ringing tone. He is also skilled at navigating the vocal registers, switching smoothly between chest voice and head voice for a seamless sound.

Learning from Craig Wells

If you want to learn to sing like Craig Wells, it's important to start with the basics. Singing Carrots offers a range of resources to help you develop your singing skills, including articles on topics like breath support, vocal registers, and articulation. You can also try the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and vocal pitch monitor to get a sense of your current abilities and identify areas you need to work on.

Once you have a solid foundation in the basics, you can start incorporating some of Craig Wells' signature techniques into your singing. To develop your vibrato, for example, you can try the "Beggars Bounce" exercise in the videos resources. To practice belting, try the "Singing Comfort Zone" exercise. And to work on switching between chest voice and head voice, try the "Voice Break" and "Mixed Voice" exercises.

To help you find songs that showcase Craig Wells' unique techniques and style, use Singing Carrots' search tool to find songs by vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. Some of Craig Wells' most iconic songs include "Wailin' Walls," "Over the Moon," and "City Lights."

Practical Advice

To get the most out of your singing practice and develop your skills more quickly, it's important to approach your practice sessions with focus and intention. Set specific goals for each practice session, whether it's mastering a specific technique or perfecting a particular song.

It's also important to incorporate both technical exercises and songs into your practice routine. Working on exercises will help you develop the specific skills you need to sing like Craig Wells, while singing songs will help you put those skills into practice and develop your own style.

Finally, don't forget the importance of proper posture and breathing. Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and how posture affects your singing provide a wealth of information on how to optimize your breathing and posture for the best possible vocal performance.

With dedication, guidance from Singing Carrots' resources, and practice, you too can learn to sing like Craig Wells and develop your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.